Wednesday 6 September 2017


Angelina Jolie what she has helped with and achieved.

“You think, ‘What if I make a mistake today, I’ll regret it’. I don’t believe in regret, I feel everything leads us to where we are and we have to just jump forward, mean well, commit and just see what happens.” Angelina Jolie, an oscar award winning actress, model, teacher and overall an amazing woman. I'm going to be talking about Angelina Jolie and what she has helped with and achieved.

War zones, Angelina Jolie flew over to several different countries such as Egypt, Thailand and Syria to talk to the refugees who had had to leave their homes because of earthquakes, bombing and plenty more. Angelina Jolie supports Twentynine charities also in 2006 she and her ex partner Brad Pitt donated 8 million dollars to charities.

Angelina did not always care to help until she visited Cambodia that was the first time she noticed the people in need and that were struggling. did you know in 2011 the approximate number of refugees in the world were 26.4 million people. and that was in 2011 imagine how many there would be now.

Angelina Jolie's Mum once said in an interview that Angelina struggled with being anorexic during her teenage years, she also had insomnia. insomnia is when you find it really hard to sleep and find it hard to stay asleep. But Angelina said having insomnia was an advantage.

Angelina first movie was filmed when she was a child, she made her screen appearance in the 1982 film (Looking to get out) Angelina has been in at least forty nine movies Also Angelina is only 42.

Angelina jolie is an amazing role model she uses her fame to better the world not to just benefit herself. The world needs more people like Angelina Jolie.

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